Code of Ethics and Conduct

Revista Saúde Dinâmica (RSD), linked to Faculdade Dinâmica do Vale do Piranga (FADIP) and with electronic ISSN 2176-6509, maintains a constant commitment to academic integrity and intellectual production. It aims to establish an open channel of communication with authors, reviewers and readers, in addition, the journal seeks to guarantee the quality of the work through corrections, revisions, clarifications or retractions when necessary.

RSD's editorial process is free from commercial or financial interests. To ensure transparency in publications originating from institutional research and avoid possible conflicts of interest, authors are requested to declare any links with funding bodies, commercial or political institutions. Furthermore, they must mention their institutional affiliation and collaborations relevant to the study, demonstrating the absence of conflicts of interest in relation to the results presented.

Committed to good editorial practices and ethical conduct in the scientific publication of journals, Revista Saúde Dinâmica adopts the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Preventing negligence and maintaining ethics are fundamental responsibilities of the editor and editorial team, and any form of unethical behavior, including plagiarism, is intolerable. Authors who submit articles to the journal declare the originality of the content and guarantee that the work has not been published nor is it under evaluation in another journal.
