Reviewers for Revistas Saúde Dinâmica are internal and external to the journal team, from different institutions and have areas within the scope of the Journal.
Guidelines for referees
- It is the duty of reviewers to intervene directly to guarantee the quality of the articles submitted;
- Collaborate voluntarily, recognizing the importance of your contribution to the journal and to science;
- Communicate to the editors when you do not feel able to evaluate an article due to lack of familiarity with the topic covered in your area of study;
- Carry out a thorough and careful reading, considering the various evaluation criteria, maintaining confidentiality and respecting the authors cordially;
- Observe the quality and relevance of the title, the effectiveness of the abstract in transmitting the content of the article, the correctness of the abstract, the consistency of the methodology with the proposed objectives, the adequate analysis of the results, the relevant conclusions and textual cohesion;
- Inform any conflicts of interest that may arise during the evaluation, whether academic, financial, personal or political, refusing to carry out the analysis;
- Also evaluate the quality of the writing, the objectivity and clarity of the text, the appropriate use of technical terms, in addition to the representativeness and relevance of graphs, tables and other visual elements present in the article.
- Maintain cordiality with the authors and make constructive observations regarding the manuscripts;
- Preserve the absolute confidentiality of ongoing tasks, ensuring effective blind peer assessment;
- Reviewers are not authorized to use excerpts from the article they are reviewing.
How is double-blind peer review carried out?
The double-blind peer review is carried out by Open Journal Systems (OJS), guaranteeing the anonymity of the parties involved. Revista Ciência Dinâmica has its own form with rigorous questions and a text box for relevant comments. Reviewers must be cordial and make constructive observations about the manuscript. After evaluation, manuscripts may be rejected, published with suggested changes or published as is.
Would you like to know more about how to become a reviewer for Revista Saúde Dinâmica?
Those interested in becoming reviewers for Revista Ciência Dinâmica should send an email to revista@faculdadedinamica.com.br with the following information:
Reviewers Saúde Dinâmica
- Full name:
- Email:
- Institutional affiliation:
- Link to CV (Lattes for Brazilians or equivalent for foreigners):
- ORCID: (don't have a registration? Register here)
- Brief history of the biography: covering undergraduate, master's and doctorate degrees and areas of interest (short text similar to the Lattes curriculum);
- Keywords that can identify your research interest.
After analysis by the Editorial Committee, candidates will receive an automatic response from the OJS system.